Relationships and sex education isn’t just about condoms and bananas anymore.
Here’s our pick of the best lessons and workshops being taught in schools today…
Bonnie J Rough observes a Spring Fever lesson in the Netherlands with barely a giggle from the class of 4- to 6-year-olds…

Domestic-violence prevention organisation Tender explores abuse with a group of year 8 girls
Under-25s sexual-health charity Brook talks to secondary-school kids about bodies, rights and the Values Continuum
Split Banana – created by young people for young people – makes creative use of art and activism to teach relationships & sex education
The Sexual Health Circus walks the porn and sexting tightrope with secondary-school students in Bristol
Teaching “The Talk” turns the tables on education: it has young people teaching teachers how to teach
Sexpression’s university-student volunteers are digital natives eager to teach relationships, sex & health to new digital natives
The best relationships & sex educators
Inclusive relationships and sex education (RSE) needs parent champions! If your school is not giving one of the most important elements of your child’s education the attention it deserves, ask for one of these…